The Marathon Continues, the best music marketing advice from DJ Khaled, Gary Vee and others, in my opinion.

DJ Khaled and Nipsey Hussle


I’m young, hungry and dedicated. I believe I will make a good living off my music relatively soon as I’m consistent and have been seeing results.

Find a pace.

Feel out how people enjoy your music before spending money on marketing it.

You think you’re going to make it big because of your next project? You might not.” -Gary V.

Gary Vee has been a huge inspiration to me as a musician, rapper and entrepreneur and I’ll break down some of his best advice for an artist.

It’s consistent effort that will get you success. You may see the big follower amount of a particular artist or the car that they’re driving. I’ll tell you right now it more than likely is a rental and follower numbers can be misleading.

DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS. You are not someone else, you are you. The only person you can aim to be better than is the person you were yesterday. ONLY LOOK AT OTHERS FOR INSPIRATION PURPOSES.

As long as you don’t give up then you never lost.

If you need to take a break or recalibrate then do that, adapt, make it make sense.

“I wish I could rap because I know I’d be humongous because all I would do is make music and then lay in bed for 11 hours then try and hack on social media getting my s*** noticed” -Gary Vee

Social media isn’t a secret, it’s a huge way to get an online following these days.

Going out in person to events and performing is going to be very effective for gaining fans and reactions as well. It’s a good way to test your music by showing up and playing live.

“You’re one person away one piece of content away, you just gotta f****** make it.” -Gary Vee

One song or video can go viral and change your whole life, this is true. But I’m going to say be prepared to dedicate 10, 20, or 30 years to make money from the music industry and if that sounds like too long of an investment then the music business is not for you.

“I don’t think people understand how busy the world is.” -Gary Vee

The world has open ears and if you feel you have a message that you should send out then go for it.

You will never know the result if you never try.

Have faith.

You Already Know.

-Daniel Mouyal @papihibachii @youalreadyknowrecords



You Already Know Records, Daniel Mouyal

Hip-hop enthusiast, American vocalist, songwriter and producer Daniel is 25 years old hails from Miami, Florida. He writes, reads, and makes hip-hop music.